Binary to Decimal

Binary to Decimal converter is an online tool that converts binary code into decimal numbers. Binary code is a system of representing data using only two digits, typically 0s and 1s, while decimal numbers are a base-10 numbering system.

The tool takes the user's input binary code and converts it into its corresponding decimal number. The conversion process involves multiplying each digit of the binary code by its corresponding power of 2 and summing the resulting products.

For example, the binary code 11001 would be converted into the decimal number 25, since 12^4 + 12^3 + 02^2 + 02^1 + 1*2^0 = 25.

This tool can be useful for programmers, students learning about binary code and digital systems, or anyone who needs to decode binary data into decimal numbers. Some applications of this tool include interpreting computer data, analyzing digital signals, or performing calculations in digital systems.

Overall, a Binary to Decimal converter is a simple yet powerful tool that can make it easier for users to work with binary code and digital systems, by converting binary code into a more familiar decimal format.